Incentives and Rewards
Our school is focussed on promoting
and incentivising good attendance.
To help us all to focus on this area we will:
- Have a whole school approach to attendance - Mr Potato Head for each class to add weekly to their potato if they have achieved the school target.
- Provide details on attendance in our regular updates on DoJo
- Report to you regularly on how your child/children are performing in school, what their attendance and punctuality rate is, and how this relates to their attainment and rate of progress
- Update you as parents/carers during evenings by reporting to you on how your child/children perform in school with their attendance and punctuality and how this relates to their attainment and rate of progress
- Celebrate and reward good and improving attendance through weekly, half-termly and term events, assemblies and displays as well as the trophy for good attendance
- Provide regular information and promote good attendance
- Provide information regarding attendance in our induction procedures