Feedback to parents
Reporting to Parents
- Each teacher provides a termly update, on the school’s website, that identifies the main topics for study for each year group. This allows parents to provide support in the relevant topics for that term. This information is also shared via letter following the child's 'move up day' in the Summer term.
- Parents have three further opportunities for consultation with the class teacher:
- In the Autumn Term, class teachers will meet with parents to establish a healthy working partnership between parents and themselves; inform parents of expectations and procedures for the coming year; share any additional documents with parents such as Big Strides, PP plans and Behaviour plans; and in this meeting, additional information will be given to parents to guide their help at home.
- During the Spring Term, meetings will be held to inform parents about their child’s progress so far and to inform parents how they can help their child achieve the end of year targets that have been set.
- At the end of the academic school year, during the Summer Term, annual school reports will be given to parents, highlighting their child’s end of year attainment, progress and personal accomplishments. Parents will be invited in to discuss the report with the class teacher at an ‘open parents evening’ if they wish to do so.
- Other meetings with parents during the year, made by appointment, may be necessary to outline problems and seek solutions to them: this could include SEND, welfare and can be more regular if teachers feel that pupils are preventing their own or others progress.
- As a school we operate a general ‘Open Door’ policy as much as possible and will meet with parents as soon as we can to resolve any questions parents may have.
- Parents of year 6 children are invited to a meeting in the Spring Term to inform them how the ‘End of Key Stage’ statutory assessment will be carried out and provide advice on how they can best support their child.
- Year and Subject Leaders hold various workshops throughout the year to inform and support parents where required.
- Results from statutory assessments are shared with parents individually and we publish our results on the school website outlining comparative tables showing the school’s performance in tests in relation to national average results.
Result feedback carried out for:
- Year 1 phonics results – Passed or failed
- Year 2 phonics retake results – Passes or failed
- Year 6 statutory test results – These are reported with a standardised score (SS) which will indicate whether the child has: not met standard (HNM), Expected Standard (EXS - SS of 100) and Higher Standard (SS of over 110).